1. Ebay - Ebayers will be badly hit, if you are a seller ensure that you offer a proof of posting (a free receipt) or a special delivery option to buyers. Keep lines of communication open to ensure that you do not get reported if an item has not been received, if it is not your fault.
2. Paying Bills - If you usually pay your bills by writing out and then posting a cheque, pay over the phone by debit card or over the counter at your bank or a Post office to ensure you don't get late payment charges.
3. Xmas Cards and Presents - Post overseas Xmas cards now. Deliver local cards by hand and send National cards as early as possible.
4. Online Shopping and Catalogue returns - return as early as possible, don't wait until your 28 days etc are almost up. Obtain proof of return from the Post Office.
5. Online Shopping and Catalogue purchases - some companies do use Royal Mail but will hopefully use Couriers if and when necessary. For your own peace of mind, keep all order receipts and order numbers.
6. Posting anything of Monetary Value or something you need to track - use special delivery or courier.
7. Post any mail via the post office do not stick anything in an overflowing or nearly full post box, for your own security.
8. Check if you have any local courier companies who do not require you to have a business account.